On-demand webinars for healthcare providers: The basics of billing Medicaid managed care
Publisher: Alex Hylka

ICOY’s Medicaid Technical Assistance Center (MTAC) hosted a virtual training series in July 2020 for healthcare providers on how to bill Medicaid managed care (MMC). These four 90-minute live training sessions allowed providers to learn more about specific MMC billing topics, network with their peers, and ask questions of our presenters, Sage Health Strategy.
To learn more about billing MMC so your organization can get paid for its services, watch recordings of these four virtual trainings below:
Virtual Training Session 1: Getting Credentialed as an Illinois Medicaid Provider
Topical questions addressed include:
- Why do I need to register in IMPACT?
- What is the Universal Roster and when do I need to submit it?
Miss the live event? You can watch the presentation here: << View the recording >>
Virtual Training Session 2: Setting up to Bill Medicaid Managed Care – Eligibility and Enrollment
Topical questions addressed include:
- What do I need to include on a claim?
- How long do I have to file a claim?
- What processes are necessary internally to manage member eligibility?
Miss the live event? You can watch the presentation here: << View the recording >>
Virtual Training Session 3: Medicaid Managed Care Billing for Behavioral Health
Topical questions addressed include:
- Does the new Rule 140 replace Rule 132 when billing behavioral health services?
- How do I bill for mental health services as a CMHC (or BHC)?
- How do I bill for SUPR services?
Miss the live event? You can watch the presentation here: << View the recording >>
Virtual Training Session 4: Inside the Mind of a Managed Care Organization, Utilization Management, and Common Billing Errors
Topical questions addressed include:
- How does my organization fit into the MCO business model?
- What is Utilization Management (UM)?
- What are the common reasons for claim rejections and denials? Do I have any recourse when a claim is rejected or denied?
Miss the live event? You can watch the presentation here: << View the recording >>
Unable to attend?
If you couldn’t attend these live trainings or have new questions to ask of our presenters, we’re hosting this series again between September 24 and October 1. Visit our events calendar to register.
Additionally, if you attended our in-person “How to Bill Medicaid Managed Care: A Training for Illinois Healthcare Providers” event in February 2020 but want a refresher on the topic, you can view those recordings here.
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