Category - Capacity Building

Runaway & Homeless Youth

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ICOY believes all youth deserve access to safe, stable, and affordable housing. To support the youth in Illinois who do not have this access, ICOY works in collaboration with IDHS to provide training, technical assistance, and other valuable support to youth-serving organizations who implement the following IDHS programs: 

Comprehensive Community-Based Youth Services (CCBYS) Program

The CCBYS program is a 24/7 system that enables Illinois’ youth (ages 11-17) who are in crisis, experiencing family destabilization, or are at risk of entering the child welfare or juvenile justice systems to access community-based providers' services. The program works to divert youth from the juvenile justice and child welfare systems, and to reunite and stabilize families. 

For youth in crisis (i.e. youth who have run away or have nowhere to go), CCBYS providers offer crisis intervention, shelter, case management, and substance use treatment services to youth and their families. For youths that are not in immediate crisis but are at risk, CCBYS programs provide wrap-around support and case management to families that qualify. ICOY tracks trends in the populations utilizing CCBYS services so that they can provide the trainings and resources that will best support CCBYS providers. 

Homeless Youth Program

The Homeless Youth program ensures that youth (ages 14 to 23) stay safe, stable, and self-sufficient when their housing situations are dangerous and unreliable. The program provides safe and stable housing, education and employment services, and the life skills necessary to become self-sufficient, ultimately reducing the number of youths in need of housing support in Illinois. ICOY provides trainings for Homeless Youth providers, as well as connecting them with community resources and other providers in their area. 

Training for Service Providers

Training is tailored to meet the needs of IDHS providers while incorporating culturally sensitive, developmentally appropriate materials and best practices. Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are available for qualifying licensed professionals to attend.

See a list of all in-person and online training ICOY offers to CCBYS and Homeless Youth providers.

If you’re interested in learning about how to get involved in supporting your community’s unhoused youth through prevention and support efforts, please reach out to ICOY’s Prevention and Intervention Manager, Sally Ehrlich.

Senior Manager, Crisis Response

people meeting around a table

Capacity Building Assessment Tool for Organizations (CBAT-O)

Take a look at all the information your organization needs to know about the CBAT-O

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